KIT NO. 1090768
Assembly, Installation and Operating Instructions
2. If EXISTING handle lock and/or EXISTING roll pin is
present, remove by tapping out the roll pin using a
center punch - otherwise proceed to STEP 3.
NOTE: Check all parts for shipping damage before us-
ing. Incaseofdamage, DONOTuse. ContacttheDealer/
Carrier for further instructions.
3. Slide EXISTING spring on to the narrow end of the
EXISTING coil pin (If necessary).
4. InserttheEXISTINGcoilpinandspringintothebush-
ing arm lock as shown in FIGURE 1.
The following recommendations are made for the
No. 1090768). This kit is used where Roll Pin (Part
No. 1079151) is used with Right Hand Lock Handle
(Part No.1068937) and Left Hand Lock Handle (Part
No. 1068938).
5. The NEW handle lock is placed on to the EXISTING
coil pin and bushing arm lock.
6. Ensure hole in the EXISTING coil pin is aligned with
holes in the NEW handle lock, insert tubular rivet
through NEW handle lock and EXISTING coil pin as
DO NOT a sse m b le o r use this kit witho ut
first re a d ing a nd und e rsta nd ing this in-
struc tio n she e t. If yo u a re una b le to un-
d e rsta nd the Wa rning s, Ca utions or Instruc -
tio ns in this Instruc tio n She e t c o nta c t a
he a lthc a re p ro fe ssio na l, d e a le r o r te c h-
nic a l p e rso nne l b e fo re a tte m p ting to in-
sta ll this kit, o the rwise , injury o r d a m a g e
m a y o c c ur.
NOTE: If unable to insert tubular rivet due to frame interfer-
enceorotherwise, push theexisting coilpinso that the nar-
row end of theexistingcoilpin is visible at the other end of
lar rivet to be inserted through both the new handle lock
and the existing coil pin. (constant pressure will be needed
on the coil pin to insert in this manner).
7. Head end of tubular rivet is butted against a hard flat
surface and lightly tap the end of the center punch
into the hollowed end of the tubular rivet causing it to
"spread" (DETAIL "B").
Afte r ANY a d justm e nts, re p a ir o r se rvic e
a nd BEFORE use , m a ke sure a ll a tta c hing
ha rd wa re is tig hte ne d se c ure ly - othe rwise
injury or d a m a g e m a y oc c ur.
Whe n insta lling the tub ula r rive t e nsure the
hollow e nd is e ve nly "sp re a d " a nd se c ure s
the ha ndle loc k. DO NOT use e xc e ssive forc e
whe n insta lling the tub ula r rive t - othe rwise
the ha nd le loc k m a y not func tion p rop e rly.
This kit contains the following:
Handle Lock (Right Hand)
Handle Lock (Left Hand)
Tubular Rivet
NOTE: it is recommended that STEP 7 be performed on
a work bench or similar structure. If the head end of the
tubular rivet can not be butted against a hard flat surface
due to frame interference or otherwise, use a solid object
(piece of metal, tool handle, ect...) that fits the space be-
tween the head end of tubular rivet and the frame interfer-
ence or otherwise to hold rivet in place.
*NOTE: These quantities are per kit.
NOTE: Refer to the GENERAL WARNINGS in the
SAFETY SUMMARY of this Instruction Sheet.
Installing Handle Lock Assem bly (Figure 1)
8. Repeat steps 1-7 on remaining bushing handle lock.
1. Locate bushing arm lock and determine if EXISTING
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