Get More Done Today
Dear Customer,
Thank you for buying a Fellowes Commercial Shredder. We
have made many improvements in our commercial shredder
since its introduction in 1982. We are confident that it offers you
the greatest value for your money in its product category today.
We hope it meets – or even exceeds – your expectations.
To ensure years of safe, efficient use, please read these few
pages about your new shredder. If this manual doesn’t answer
all your questions or if you wish to comment on this product, we
welcome your call or letter.
James Fellowes
Chairman & CEO
Product Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Important Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Set-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Product Profile
This product is built to shred p a p er, sta p les, sm a ll p a p er clip s
a nd cred it ca rd s. It is not built to shred adhesive labels, trans-
parencies, newspaper, cardboard, large paper clips, or plastic
(other than credit cards). Attempting to shred items not intended
for this shredder may cause damage.
Strip -Cu t
(2 2 0 -2 )
18-20 sheets
5,8 mm
Strip -cu t
(2 2 0 -2 )
16-18 sheets
3,9 mm
Co n fe tti-cu t
(2 2 0 C-2 )
12-14 sheets
3,9 x 25 mm
241 mm
Sheet capacity*
Paper shred size
Maximum paper width
241 mm
241 mm
Recommended daily capacity 6,000 sheets
6,000 sheets
3,000 sheets
*Based on A4 (70 g/ m2) paper with shredder operating at rated voltage; heavier paper, high humidity, or other than rated
voltage may reduce sheet capacity.
W hile se tting up shre d d e r
• Check shredder for damage or defects; some paper particles in the basket are normal
due to product testing and does not indicate a defect.
• Avoid touching exposed blades on underside of confetti-cut shredder head.
• Plug power cord in an outlet that can easily be reached. The plug is the primary electri-
cal disconnect.
• Make sure the electrical rating listed on the serial label (located near the power cord on
the back of the shredder) matches the available electric power.
• Do not place shredder near or over a heat or water source.
W hile op e ra ting shre d d e r
• Keep hands and hanging objects (jewelry, ties, loose clothing,
long hair, etc.) away from paper entry.
• Keep children and pets away from the shredder.
W he n not in use
• Always turn off and unplug shredder.
• Unplug before emptying basket.
• Do not open shredder head: Danger of electric shock.
Opening shredder head will void the warranty.
NOTE: Do not use flammable synthetic oil, petroleum-based products or aerosols of any
kind on or near product at any time.
• Make sure the back of the shredder is at least 5 cm away from walls or furniture to
ensure sufficient ventilation.
• Open the cabinet door and pull the waste basket (D) completely out of the cabinet.
• Put plastic waste bag in basket (sample bags provided). Allow bag edges to overhang.
Contact Fellowes to order more bags (part # 36054).
• Slide the waste basket into the cabinet and shut the cabinet door (A).
• Plug the power cord into a convenient outlet.
• Store use and care manual in slot (M) inside cabinet door (A).
Control Sw itche s
Control Switch (H)
Manual Forward Button (F)
Runs shredder when
button is held down.
Turns on the automatic-start
sensor and the green Ready
Turns off the automatic-start
sensor and the green Ready
Runs shredder in reverse mode.
Press and hold to activate.
Troub le shooting Lig hts
Ready Light (G)
Paper Jam (I)
Basket Full (J)
Door Ajar (K)
Shredder is in automat-
ic start mode.
Shredder is jammed
(e.g., too much paper
fed at one time).
Waste basket is full or
paper has collected
under cutting cylinders.
Cabinet door is open.
For convenience and energy savings, your shredder is equipped with an a utom a tic-sta rt
sensor (O). This means that when the control switch (H) is in the automatic [I] position,
the shredder will start running when you put paper into it and stop a few seconds after the
paper has passed through.
CAUTION: The automatic-start sensor cannot tell the difference between
paper and other objects. This feature can also be a hazard. Always
turn off the shredder when it is not in use. Unplug the shredder if it will
not be used for an extended period.
To shre d p a p e r
• Press the automatic [I] button. The green ready light (G) should turn on.
• Feed paper straight into paper entry (B) releasing when the shredder begins shredding.
To shre d CDs (Mod e l 2 2 0 -2 only)
• Feed one CD straight into CD entry (E) releasing when the shredder begins shredding.
To e m p ty w a ste b a sk e t
If basket full light (J) is on, follow these steps until light turns off.
• Press manual forward button (F) to finish shredding any paper in the paper entry.
• Press the off [O] button.
• Open the cabinet door (A) and pull out the waste basket (D).
• Remove the full bag and replace with a new bag.
• Slide the waste basket (D) into the cabinet and shut the cabinet door (A).
• Press and hold the reverse [R] button for a few seconds to clear paper shreds that have
collected under cutting cylinders.
• Alternate between manual forward (F) and reverse [R] for a few seconds in each position.
CAUTION: The shredder may be damaged if you alternate too rapidly between forward
and reverse.
• Unplug shredder, open cabinet door (A) and remove wastebasket (D).
• Carefully clear any paper shreds that have collected on under side of paper entry (B).
CAUTION: Model 220C-2 (confetti cut model) has exposed blades on underside of paper
entry. Use care when removing paper shreds.
To cle a r a p a p e r ja m
If paper jam light (I) is on, follow these steps until light turns off.
• Check the waste basket (D) and empty the bag if full.
• Press and hold the reverse [R] button to back paper out of the paper entry (B). Try pulling
gently on the paper to remove it from the shredder.
• Alternate between forward and reverse, as needed, until the jam clears:
Press and hold the manual forward button (F) for a few seconds.
Press and hold the reverse [R] button for a few seconds.
• Continue alternating between forward and reverse until the jam clears.
CAUTION: The shredder may be damaged if you alternate too rapidly between forward
and reverse.
Em p ty w a ste b a sk et regula rly to ensure the smooth functioning of the cutting
cylinders. The shredder will not operate when the basket is full.
Oil confetti-cut m od el (220C-2) regularly to ensure proper operation.
If used at or near daily capacity, apply oil every time you empty the basket.
Use Fellowes Powershred Lubricant #35250 or other non-aerosol vegetable-based oil in a
long-nozzle container (sample oil provided).
CAUTION: Do not use flammable synthetic oil, petroleum-based products, or aerosol
lubricants of any kind.
To oil the cutting cylind e rs
• Lift paper entry flap (N) and apply oil over full width of cutting cylinders through the paper
entry (B).
• Press and hold the manual forward button (F) for at least 3 seconds.
• Press and hold the reverse [R] button for at least 3 seconds.
• Repeat the forward/ reverse sequence 3 or more times.
• Store oil bottle in slot (L) inside cabinet door (A).
If there is a problem with your shredder, check these symptoms and remedies. If you can-
not solve the problem, call your local dealer or contact Fellowes directly. Do not op en
shred d er hea d to attempt repair. You could be exposed to serious electric shock and
will void the warranty.
Sym p tom
Re m e d y
Ready Light (G) will not light
Make sure shredder is plugged in.
Press the automatic button [I].
Shredder does not start or stops while
• Make sure shredder is plugged in.
Check Troubleshooting lights.
• Clear paper jam. Follow the
instructions under Operation.
Door ajar light (K) is on
Basket full light (J) is on
Paper jam light (I) is on
Make sure the cabinet door (A) is closed.
Empty the waste basket. Follow the
instructions under Operation.
Clear paper jam. Follow the
instructions under Operation.
Confetti-cut shredder (220C-2): Shredder
sheet capacity decreases, noise level
increases, or cutting cylinders stop with a
squeak or rubbing sound
Oil the cutting cylinders. Follow the
instructions under Maintenance.
Shredder runs for a few seconds after the
paper has cleared the cutters
No action required. This is a self-cleaning
The following items for the 220-2 and 220C-2 shredders are available from Fellowes:
Ite m
Q u a n tity
Pa rt N u m b e r
Waste bags (in dispenser)
Waste basket (box)
Powershred Lubricant (220C-2 only)
50/ roll
1 box
12 oz. bottle
To purchase supplies, contact Fellowes at the appropriate location listed on the back page
of this instruction manual, or visit us at w w w .fellow es.com
Fellowes conducts extensive testing to ensure that these shredders are capable of meeting all of the specifications listed
in the Product Profile (see page 3). However, the actual sheet capacity is dependent on a number of factors including
the type and weight of paper, the humidity, the voltage level of the power source, the temperature of the motor, and the
care with which the operator feeds the paper. Safety agency testing is conducted to ensure that the shredder will oper-
ate to specifications even if the available voltage is 10% below or 6% above the rated voltage. During this testing 2.5
minutes was taken to empty the basket each time it filled and the following capacities were used for temperature rise
Cu t Size
& Ty p e
N u m b e r
o f Sh e e ts
Pa p e r Size
& We ig h t
Vo lta g e
He rtz
220-240 VAC
220-240 VAC
220-240 VAC
120 V
50 Hz
50 Hz
3,9 mm Strip Cut
5,8 mm Strip Cut
3,9 mm Confetti Cut
5,8 mm Strip Cut
3,9 mm Confetti Cut
3,9 mm Strip Cut
3,9 mm Confetti Cut
A4 70 g
A4 70 g
50 Hz
A4 70 g
60 Hz
8.5x11 20 lb
8.5x11 20 lb
A4 70 g
120 V
60 Hz
100 V
50/ 60 Hz
50/ 60 Hz
100 V
A4 70 g
Limited Warranty
Fellowes, Inc. ("Fellowes") warrants the cutting blades of the machine to be free from
defects in material and workmanship for 20 years from the date of purchase by the origi-
nal consumer. Fellowes warrants all other parts of the machine to be free of defects in
material and workmanship for 2 years from the date of purchase by the original con-
sumer. If any part is found to be defective during the warrant period, your sole and
exclusive remedy will be repair or replacement, at Fellowes’ option and expense, of the
defective part.
This warranty does not apply in cases of abuse, mishandling or unauthorised repair.
WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. In no event shall Fellowes be liable for any
consequential or incidental damages attributable to this product. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights. You may have other legal rights that vary. The duration, terms and
conditions of this warranty are valid worldwide, except where different limitations, restric-
tions or conditions may be required by local law.
For more details or to obtain service under this warranty, please contact:
0 0 8 0 0 1 8 1 0 1 8 1 0
(Accessib le via m ost m a jor telep hone netw ork s)
OR the nearest Fellowes location listed on the back page of this user manual.
Warrantor: Fellowes, Inc.
Declaration of Conformity
Yorkshire Way, West Moor Park,
Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN3 3FB England
declares that the product
Models 220-2 and 220C-2
conform with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive (73/23 EEC) and the
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (89/336 EEC) and the following harmonized
European Normes (EN Standards) and IEC Standards.
Safety: EN60950 ‘Information Technology Equipment’
EMC: Standard
EN 61000-4-2: 1995
Severity Level
3AD, 2CD
2DM, 3CM
Performance Criteria
EN 61000-4-4: 1995
EN 61000-4-5: 1995
EN 61000-4-6: 1996
EN 61000-4-11: 1994
per table 13
EN 61000-3-2;1995
Class A
+A1: 1998, +A2: 1998, +A14:2000
EN 61000-3-3:1995
Itasca, Illinois, USA
2 September 2002
Anthony Storrie
All Eu ro p e a n Co u n trie s
European Consumer Helpline
00 800 1810 1810
(Accessible via most major telephone networks)
+ 33 (0) 2-99-22-71-22
+ 49 (0) 5131-4977-0
+ 39 (0) 071-730041
+ 48-22-837-7356
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
+ 31 (0) 347-377988
+ 44 (0) 1302-836836
w w w .fe llo w e s.co m
© 2002 Fellowes Printed in China. Form No. 400007
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